Saturday, 29 December 2012

Quadcopter kit project

Santa pushed the boat out this year and, completely unprompted, gave me a quadcopter kit for Christmas :)

The kit included an airframe, battery, motors, propellors and motor control electronics. The airframe is a CSL X600

In the box were a load of bagged bolts, screws, aluminium section and cut glass-fibre board (?) and absolutely NO instructions.

I found a 'guide' here, a time lapse video here both of which helped to work out how this thing goes together as the design seems to have had some tweaks since the seller website was put up, so looking at the pictures there can be confusing.

The quadcopter is basically assembled in four parts:
1. The central chassis
2. The arms and motor mounts
3. The landing gear
4. Mounting the electronics and motors on the chassis and arms

I started with the central chassis and added the arms, working my way through the bits so I knew what fitted where. The process involved a bit of trial and a lot of error, but below is a pictorial build log...

This plate is the TOP of the quadcopter - here it is upside-down for fitting

Arms mounted

Arms - note that they have a top and bottom side. The tiny hole on the far right shows the bottom of the outer end of the arm - that hole is used by the tension spring in each landing leg

Folded arms

The bottom two plates - make sure that the arms can still fold once this plate is installed!

Motor mount and brushless motor

Motor fixing - use the round-head bolts supplied in the kit and ignore the counter-sunk screws that come with the motor

Landing gear - note this config looks different to the selling website pics

Landing gear spring

Landing gear in action

Out of all the bits supplied with the motor and prop, heres what I think you need...

Assembled prop

Finished build with electronics fitted

 Now to wait for a shiny new Spektrum radio set to arrive in the post...

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